March 27

We celebrated our Opinion Writing unit with a book fair on Friday!  Students read their nomination letters to other students and asked them to sign up to read their award winning books!





This week we will continue to study characters in our series book clubs.  Students are noticing how characters respond to problems and how characters can be the same across a series.

In math, we will be wrapping up our multi-digit subtraction unit.  The students have learned a variety of strategies to use when subtracting two and three digit numbers.

Wednesday is silly sock day!

March 20

Happy Spring!

We had our Reading Celebration on Friday.  Students presented their group strategies for reading with fluency, understanding literary language, and keeping track of longer books.


This week we will finish our Writing About Reading Unit.  Students will pick a nomination piece to put on display in our in class book fair.

In math, we will continue to work on decomposing numbers and applying properties of place value to subtract with three digit numbers.

As a reminder, Wednesday is early release and parent teacher conferences.

Guest Readers

We had many guest readers today!

First, we had Sergeant Hamlen join us for a reading of Scaredy Squirrel and Skippy Jon Jones.

Then, we had Lucky the Leprechaun share allllll of the gold post-it notes she had used to help keep track of her reading (too many!).

Next, a famous movie star showed us her one single post-it note she used to write the word "cow" on (not enough!).

Finally,  Mrs. Goldilocks taught us how to use post-it notes to jot the most important ideas from our chapters (just right!).

March 6

Welcome back! I hope you all had a relaxing vacation. I can't wait to hear about what you all did!

We are continuing our opinion writing unit.  This week students will be nominating books for awards and writing to convince the judges that their book of choice is award worthy.  

We will continue to amp up our reading powers by working with partners and learning strategies to help us keep track of longer books.  Please make sure your child is showing you their reading power at home.

In math we will begin our multi-digit subtraction unit.  Students will work with number bonds and base ten materials to decompose numbers.  

As a reminder, during the month of March we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday! 

Wednesday March 8 - Silly Hat Day
Wednesday March 15 - Wacky Clothes Day
Wednesday March 22- Sunglasses Day
Wednesday March 29 - Silly Sock Day