September 26

We will be starting our book clubs this week! Students will join me in small groups working on reading just right books and discussing characters, plot, settings etc.  This week the students will be introduced to their clubs and they will work together to establish group norms and to set group reading goals.

Each student will be bringing home a word list with them.  Their word lists are the skills and patterns that they are working on in class.  I encourage you to ask your student about the patterns they see, to use the words in conversations, and search for them in books you are reading at home.


Problem Solving

Today our class joined Mrs. Dunham's class and worked through a math word problem.  The students used multiple strategies, had rich math conversations, and persevered through the problems.  They represented their thinking through drawings, numbers, and words.  Each student added their ideas to a group poster and had a chance to share posters with others.

September 19

Our second graders are reading more and more! We set a class goal to read to self for 20 minutes, and the students flew past the 20 minutes! This week we will work on reading more and more while also "keeping tabs on comprehension." Please continue to have your student read, or read to or with them, nightly.

In Math, we are continuing to strengthen and develop or fact fluency to and from 20.  This week we will be focusing on doubles, using doubles, and using tens.  If you would like some math games to play at home, please send me an email and I will send home some just right games for your student.

Our morning stations have been running smoothly.  Students complete their daily math review, do their book exchange, have technology time, and play an assortment of math games each morning.

September 12

We've launched both our reading and writing workshops! Second graders are working on picking just right books, building their stamina, and choosing how to read their books.

In writing students are working on narratives, or small moment stories.  We have been talking about capturing small moments in our daily lives and jotting them down to keep track of our story ideas.

In Math we will be working on building our facts to and from 20.  Lessons will have a literature connection as well as a game.  Students used rek n reks today to visualize number lines to 100.

Students will be bringing home a purple Parent's Hopes and Dreams sheet for you to complete and return.  Students will also have a draft of the class directory. Please notify me of any edits to your information on the class directory.


September 6

We had a great first week in second grade! The students began talking about their hopes and dreams for the school year and how we can all work together as a community to help each other accomplish our goals.  Ask your student about the magic of the Red Ribbon.

This week students will be introduced to the procedures and expectations for the classroom library and our writer's workshop.  They will work on counting collections in math as well as fact review to and from 10.