January 25

*Our field trip to the Children’s Museum is this Friday!

*Our writing celebration is February 10th from 2-2:30 pm.  Please send in your RSVP. 

*Please check your child's red folder for the list of student names for Valentines.  Please include one Valentine for each student in class if your child is bringing them in.

January 19

*We are wrapping up our non-fiction reading unit this week.  We will continue to read non-fiction books through out the year, however we are going to be diving into our next unit focusing on fluency, phonics, and comprehension.

*We will be starting Unit 5 in math, which will focus on Place Value and Comparisons.

*There is no school on Monday January 18 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

January 11

*Please continue to practice math facts with your students at home.  The end of the year goal for first grade students is to fluently add and subtract within 10.  We have been discussing the connection between addition and subtraction in class, ask your student to explain it to you J

*If you would like some math flash cards for home, or ideas about how to best practice math with your student please contact me. 

*In the next few weeks we will be wrapping up our nonfiction writing and reading units.  Be on the look out for information about our writing share day!